Thursday, March 28, 2013

Finding Kitty, Chapter 2 "Dinner for Three"

Matt Dillon quickly clamped his mouth shut when he realized it was quite noticeably gaping open.  Suddenly remembering to stand in a lady’s presence, he reached blindly beside him, whacking James Rackmil on the arm to spur him into rising from his seat as well.  Rackmil’s eyes were slightly glazed and his mouth hung open just like Matt’s had moments before when Kitty Russell first swept into Delmonico’s in a fragrant cloud of lavender and vanilla and rose petals, a luminous vision in off-the-shoulder crimson silk. 

She was, in all truthfulness, completely stunning.   Matt Dillon was dazzled by Kitty’s glittering, flowing beaded red dress that he’d never laid eyes on before tonight.  He would’ve certainly remembered it if she had.  She wore a black velvet choker around her slim throat, which simply emphasized the daring low cut of the dress.  He didn’t know where to look first with all that lovely exposed décolleté—bare shoulders, smooth back and softly-rounded, creamy bosom peeking over tiny crimson ruffles and exquisite embroidery.  Flashing them both her most dazzling, white smile, Kitty strategically took the chair between the two men as they both leaned down to push it in for her at the same time, nearly thumping their heads together in their haste.  Murmuring apologies, Matt peered up and noticed the brim of his hat, hurriedly removing it and placing it in the empty chair beside him.  He cleared his throat, suddenly nervous, as they all settled in their seats.

“Evenin’, gentlemen,” Kitty beamed, removing her spotless white gloves, placing them in her matching beaded reticule. 

“Evening,” both men chorused, looking at each other in surprise, as if each had been hoping that the other had suddenly disappeared. 

Matt quickly spoke up again, “That’s an awful pretty dress you’re wearin’, Kitty.” He cleared his throat again, fidgeting a little with his black string tie.  “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it before.”

Dangling earbobs sparkled and flashed in the lamplight as she replied, “That’s because it’s new, Matt.  I splurged and bought it when my first income from the purchase of the Long Branch came through.  Reason enough to celebrate, don’t you think?”  She gazed at him steadily with striking sapphire blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through him.

Quickly, he agreed, “You better believe it.”  Matt poured each of them a glass of whiskey and held his aloft.  “Here’s to...”  He hesitated a moment, seeming to gather his courage.  “ the most beautiful business owner in town.”

“Hear, hear...” responded Rackmil, enthusiastically raising his own glass to his lovely red-headed dinner companion. 

Smiling, though inwardly surprised at what was, for Matt Dillon, an effusive toast, she took a delicate sip of her whiskey, looking at both men over the rim of her glass.  Matt was busy noticing her prettily flushed pink cheeks and ruby red lips as she drank.  Kitty Russell looked positively radiant.  Matt cleared his throat and shook his head a little when he realized he was staring.   He hurried to continue the conversation.  “So, what brings you to Dodge, Rackmil?”

Kitty interjected, “Why, Matt, don’t you know?  Mr. Rackmil here...”

Rackmil held up a hand and interrupted, “Now, Kitty, you promised to call me ‘Jim’, remember?”
Matt watched as she gave a friendly smile to Rackmil.  “I’m sorry, Jim.  You’re right.  Once you’ve been through what we have together, you can expect to be on a first name basis, right?” 

They both laughed and looked at each other a moment.  Then as if suddenly recalling Matt was in the room, she gave a start.  “What was I saying?  Oh yes, Jim traveled here all the way from New York, and he’s heading to Denver to make some mining investments.  Isn’t that right, Jim?”  She placed a hand familiarly on Rackmil’s jacket sleeve and urged, “Tell us about it, why don’t you?  Oh, and I want to hear all about New York.  It must be very exciting to live there.  Don’t you think so, Matt?”

Matt watched as Kitty unfurled an intricately beaded scarlet fan with dancing black tassels while she listened raptly to James Rackmil’s account of his trip out West.  Matt tried to get a word in edgewise from time to time, but Kitty would interrupt, eagerly asking Rackmil yet another leading question.  And then the city slicker would be off again, spinning his unending story.  But the worst part was, Kitty only seemed to have eyes for him.  Chin in hand, she hung on Rackmil’s every word, her eyes sparkling just like they usually did when she talked with Matt. 

Matt’s mood suddenly took a turn for the worse.  I might as well not even be here, he thought cantankerously, sipping his whiskey and feeling increasingly sorry for himself.  As dinner wore on, Matt had to suffer through Kitty laughing at Rackmil’s lame jokes, flattering his pride, and encouraging his extreme long-windedness.  Matt’s shoulders slumped lower and lower, and by dessert, he’d had enough.  He fairly glowered across the table at this high-falutin’ dude who so fascinated Kitty Russell that she had pretty much forgotten that Matt Dillon was sitting right next to her. 

Kitty gave a little glance in his direction at that moment, the first in quite a while, he noted, and she commented airily, “Well, gentlemen, it’s getting late.”

Rackmil exclaimed, “Oh, I hadn’t realized.  I didn’t mean to keep you so long...”

“That’s perfectly fine, Jim.  I had a lovely evening.”  She beamed and fluttered her fan while Rackmil grinned from ear to ear.  Shaking her head in wonder, she remarked, “You have led such a fascinating life!  Don’t you think so, Matt?”

Matt scowled across the table at Rackmil and grunted a wordless reply.

Kitty continued, “How long will you be in town, Jim?  I was just wondering if...well, perhaps...”
Rackmil eagerly answered, “Well, actually, I had plans to leave soon...”  Rackmil’s hand brushed Kitty’s arm and Matt narrowed his eyes.  Rackmil continued, “But I could change those plans if...”
“Oh, Jim, honestly, you shouldn’t change your plans because of...”

Matt interrupted, “No, Rackmil, you shouldn’t change your plans.  I’m sure you have business to attend to in Colorado.”

Kitty exclaimed quietly, “Why, Matt...”

Resolutely, Matt continued, “It’s late.  Why don’t we call it an evening?” 

Rackmil quickly invited, “Could I escort you home, Kitty?  The marshal is right.  It is late, and a lady shouldn’t walk on the street unaccompanied.”

“Oh, Jim,” Kitty smiled gratefully.  “Why, that is so thoughtful of you.  I think that I...”

Matt firmly declared, “I’m escorting the lady home, Rackmil.”  He folded his arms across his chest.  “Don’t trouble yourself.”

Once again, Kitty was taken aback at Matt’s bluntness.  She’d never expected he’d actually be rude.  She’d only wanted him to pay her a little more attention.  She blurted out, “Why, Matt...”

Rackmil stuttered, “I meant no offense.  I just...”

Matt abruptly countered, “You just what?”

Rackmil’s brow rose slightly as he took in the tall lawman’s determined stance and the beautiful saloon owner’s surprised expression, contemplating her old friend so curiously, as if she didn’t even know him.  “Ah,, I am sure that you will safely see the lady home.”  He bowed to Kitty, then dared to take her hand and lightly kiss it.  “My dear Kitty, it was a very great pleasure meeting you.  Thank you both for a lovely dinner.”  He tipped his hat to them both, warmly smiling at her.  


“Goodnight, Jim.”


They watched as James Rackmil hurried out the restaurant door, giving a brief, longing, backward glance over his shoulder.  She heard Matt grunt wordlessly again.  Looking up at her towering, broad-shouldered, resolute companion, she took his arm.  “I’m ready when you are,” she murmured.


The short walk to the Long Branch was traversed in weighty silence.  They hesitated in the shadows outside the saloon doors, and Kitty could feel Matt Dillon’s eyes drinking her in, just like he always did.  Quietly, matter-of-factly.  Simply.  Her lips turned up in a tiny smile because she’d worn this dress just for him.  Then she took a deep breath and began haltingly, “Matt...why did you...?”

Matt’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he ran frustrated fingers through his dark hair.  “I’m sorry, Kitty.  I didn’t mean to be so...”

Her tone was urgent as she interrupted, “Don’t be sorry, Matt.”  Tentatively, her hand clasped his arm.  “Please don’t be sorry...”  Then she took a breath and quickly tiptoed up.  Sliding slim arms around his neck, she touched those ruby red lips to his cheek, her soft, voluptuous bosom pressing against his hard chest, and the warmth of her and the scent of her and the feel of her lips against his skin for the very first time made him dizzy with longing.  Then just as suddenly, she pulled away and was gone in a soft whisper of flowing crimson skirts through the swinging doors of the Long Branch.  Matt could still smell her perfume.



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