Sunday, September 23, 2012

Set Fire to the Rain 2, Ch. 2 "Swallowed"

This fanfiction is intended for mature readers due to the vivid depiction of a consensual adult relationship.  The setting is First Season, post-The Preacher.  The locations/events in this fanfiction bear absolutely no resemblance to actual Kansas geographical features or weather-related disasters.  Just roll with it.  You’ll be glad you did.

Swirling blackness crashing down, drowning in a sea of heavy, viscous mud, swallowed whole by the unrelenting earth…  Matt’s lungs screamed for fresh air as he clawed for the surface, disoriented, not really sure which way was up.  Digging and swimming and kicking his way to freedom, he burst out of his filthy, clinging prison with a mighty gasp, standing waist deep in the sucking mire. 

Buck was safe nearby, lying on his side in a couple of feet of mud, whinnying and struggling to stand.  Matt’s eyes searched and his fevered mind panicked when he saw no sign of Kitty.  Oh dear god, where was she?  Precious seconds ticked by as he attempted to wipe the sludge from his burning, streaming eyes, looking, looking everywhere.

His heart lurched when he spied a filthy green piece of cloth beckoning above the surface several feet away.  He stumbled and struggled his way toward it and began digging frantically with his bare hands, scratching and clawing his way down, praying for success.  At last he found her, ominously still and quiet.  He desperately dug some more, hauling her body free of the imprisoning muck.  Sticking his fingers in her mouth, he tried to clear her airway, then he turned her over and pounded her back, willing the breath back inside her.  “Kitty!  Breathe!  Breathe  for me, honey!”  He pounded on her back again, until she coughed and retched foul brown liquid, her body heaving to rid itself of the suffocating poison.  She cried out and choked out more of the hateful stuff, and Matt held her and told her it would be alright, that she was safe now. 

When her heaving had quieted, he picked her up in his arms, tugging her body from the mire and staggered to safety where they fell down in the grass and lay breathless and entwined in each other’s trembling arms, clinging tightly, tears streaking the mud on their exhausted faces.



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