Thursday, October 4, 2012

Set Fire to the Rain 2, Ch. 24 "Come & Get It"

This fanfiction is intended for mature readers due to the vivid depiction of a consensual adult relationship.  The setting is First Season, post-The Preacher.   Only free-range, hormone-free chickens were used in the cooking of this meal.


In the warm, spacious ranch house kitchen, Kitty sat between Matt and Doc on a long wooden bench.  They were pulled up to the supper table, covered by a red and white checked tablecloth.  She was positive they’d placed themselves on either side of her by mutual silent agreement.  That left Hepley, Ware and McCray, unfortunately, to sit directly opposite her.  She could feel McCray’s incessant, insidious stare in spite of the fact that she refused to even favor him with a glance.  The man gave her the willies, like he was still watching her naked on the riverbank.

Isom sat at the head of the table so that he could carve the beautifully browned bird and serve.  He’d actually baked two chickens for this much company, but he was mighty pleased to be feeding all these folks.  Isom was an excellent cook, and it would be a shame if he had to leave this place, Kitty thought guiltily.  He began passing around heaping bowls of mashed potatoes and home grown green beans, left over from last summer’s canning and seasoned liberally with bacon grease, plus fried apples and fresh, hot bread served with sweet butter.  “Go on, he’p yerself,” he enthusiastically urged.  He then merrily promised them all peach pie for dessert, which was still baking right then so they could smell the aroma of crust and sugared fruit cooking.  Isom assured them they’d get to eat it still warm from the oven. 

Isom noticed Kitty just barely picking at her food and admonished her, “Now, Miss Russell, is sumthin’ not to yer likin’?  Cause you ain’t eatin’ hardly anything a’tall!”

Doc agreed heartily, “Isom, you can’t tell that stubborn woman anything.  I’ve been trying to get her to eat but she just…”

Kitty rushed to explain, “Oh, Isom, it’s all so delicious.  But I’m not myself just yet.  I’m still getting my appetite back.”  She smiled graciously at him and gave Doc a good-natured poke in the ribs making him grunt.  “But I promise, I’ll eat every last bite.  You’re a fine cook, Isom Dewey.”

Isom beamed contentedly and dug into his potatoes, dripping with rich gravy.

Sheriff Ware chimed in, “Isom, this is the best food I’ve put in my mouth in a very long time.  So, tell me, are you going to stay on here after the sale?”

Isom looked thoughtful, “Yes, sir, I hope t’ stay on.  This has been my home for many a year, and I don’t know what I’d do if I wasn’t  a’workin’ here.”  He took a decisive bite of buttered bread and ruminated on the situation.

“Well, I am sure that the prospective buyer…” Ware cleared his throat and looked directly at Kitty, “…whomever he might be, would greatly appreciate your talents and keep you in his employ, sir.  He would be a fool if he did not.” 

Isom grinned, “Why thank ya’, sir.  I do ‘preciate the compliment.”

Matt changed the subject.  “So, you men are in agreement…that Kitty should try to repair what she can afford to, in order to make as much money out of the sale as possible?”

McCray took a long draw from his coffee mug and squinted, “Yeah, Miss Russell will take a considerable loss if she sells outright.  I would advise that she make repairs.  It would be well worth her time and money.”

Kitty looked at Matt instead of McCray when she spoke, “Money…” she said drily.  “That’s what it all boils down to...”  She sighed heavily. 

McCray held up his cup and asked Isom, “You got any more hot coffee?”

“Sure, let me git it for ya’…”

McCray waved a hand dismissively, “No, no, I got it.  You worked hard on this here meal.  It’s the least I can do.”  He walked to the stove and grabbed a fresh pot.

Kitty began softly, “Matt, I don’t know if I have the cash to…”

McCray was at her elbow suddenly.  “More coffee?”  He held the pot aloft. 

“No, thanks…” she frowned.

Virgil Ware responded, “More here, please.”  As McCray was leaning across the table, he brushed against Kitty.  She quickly leaned away from him, into Matt, so that she wouldn’t have to touch McCray.  Suddenly, the coffee pot crashed to the table, spilling the contents on the clean checkered tablecloth. 

Everyone jumped up from the table and began grabbing towels to clean up the mess, moving plates and food to the cabinet nearby. 

McCray exclaimed sheepishly, “I am so sorry about all of this.  I’m so clumsy.”

Isom gathered the tablecloth and tut-tutted his response.  “Don’t you worry, Mr. McCray, it’ll be jest fine.  The coffee spilled on the table, not on the food.”

Kitty cleaned the bare table with a wet rag, and Doc wiped it dry.  Matt and Ware hurriedly cleaned a few spills from the floor.

Isom added comfortingly, “Let’s jest put our plates back on the table, and it’ll be fine and dandy.” 

Everyone’s plate made it back to their own place setting with very little doubt as to which dish was Kitty’s, Doc fussed, because she had the most food nearly untouched.  They all gave a sigh as they sat back down and began eating peacefully for a while.  After a big bite of chicken, Matt waved his fork in the air, asking Ware, “You know of anyone locally who might be interested in purchasing this property?”

Ware answered cagily over the rim of his coffee cup, “I might…”

“Who?” Doc and Kitty asked simultaneously.

“It depends on if the askin’ price is right,” he smiled.

“You?” Kitty exclaimed.

“Maybe.”  Ware chuckled at her expression and took another swig of his coffee.  “Man’s gotta settle down one of these days.  Bein’ a lawman is a dangerous job.  I might not live long if I keep at it.”

Kitty and Doc both looked pointedly at Matt.  Matt cleared his throat and studiously examined his potatoes.

“You see, Matt, this here is a sensible young fella’,” Doc chuckled, then looked at the others.  “Why, you know, I’ve taken so many bullets outta Matt Dillon in the few years I’ve known him…  Well I’ve lost count…”  He elbowed Kitty and said, “Don’t you agree it’s time Matt should get himself settled and…”  Doc’s expression changed.  “Kitty, what’s the matter?”

Matt looked at Kitty and her expression was queer.  She was holding her abdomen.  “I don’t know…  My stomach hurts…”

Matt asked, “You all right?  You need to go lie down?  Maybe all this excitement was too much for you.”

“No, really, I’ll be all right,” Kitty objected.  “Can I just have some water please?”

Ware jumped up.  “Let me get it.”

Doc felt her pulse and grunted, “This is not right.  Kitty, you need to lie down right now.  Let’s get you to bed.”

“All right… “  Kitty stood up weakly and replied, “I’m feeling a little queasy anyway.” 

Matt took her arm and worriedly asked, “Can you walk?  Do you need help?”

Her thready voice answered, “No, I’m fine…  I’m just…awfully dizzy.”  She gripped his arm more tightly.  “The room is spinning, Matt.”

Without further objection, Matt picked her up in his arms and headed for the bedroom, Doc following quickly behind.

The remaining four men sat with varying expressions, looking at each other.

Hepley was the first to speak, “What on earth?  I mean, I hope she’s not had a relapse.  She has been terribly sick, you know.”

Ware supplied, “She was feeling fine earlier today.  We had a nice little visit.”

“Well, I sure do hope it weren’t somethin’ she ate,” Isom answered grimly.  “I’d never forgive myself if it was my cookin’ what made her sick.”

McCray was the only one silent, staring in the direction of Kitty’s bedroom.  Suddenly, Doc burst out of her door, crying, “Ware!”

The sheriff’s head jerked up tensely, “Yes, Doc, what can I do?”

Doc’s face was frantic.  “You’ve got to go to town for me.  I need some supplies, quick.  Kitty’s been poisoned.”



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