Friday, March 2, 2012

Possession, Chapter 7, "Coming Clean"

Kitty Russell lay soaking in a steaming hot tub of water, eyes closed wearily against the late morning sun streaming through her bedroom window.  She tried to put out of her mind the terrifying and ultimately eye-opening events of the previous evening, and instead dwell on the opportunities that lay ahead.  She was convinced there were no two kinder souls on earth than Doc Adams and Matt Dillon.  Incredibly touched by their overwhelming concern for her personal welfare, she had humbly accepted their offer to provide the remainder of the money required for partnership in the Long Branch with Bill Pence.    With one condition: she fully intended to pay each of them back every red cent as soon as humanly possible. 

Kitty hadn’t come this far as a single woman in the world to become indebted to any man, even if they were her best friends.  Alone, she had saved thousands, quite an accomplishment in this male-dominated world for someone of her gender and relatively young age.   Kitty was shy of her goal only a few hundred dollars, but Matt and Doc vehemently insisted that she accept the small loan in order to speed her purchase and secure her some sense of safety, not to mention their own peace of mind.

Kitty had dried her eyes on Doc’s proffered hankie, and they’d all shaken hands in agreement.  Then she’d dispensed with formalities, kissing them both soundly on the cheek.  Doc had chuckled happily and Matt’s ears turned pink as he grinned contentedly. 

The three also agreed to keep their deal strictly to themselves.  Kitty’s reputation as an independent businesswoman in town was at stake. 

With a sigh, Kitty lay her head back against the tub and pressed her fingertips to her throbbing temples.  She tentatively touched her injured face, quickly realizing that wasn’t such a good idea when it produced a shooting pain throughout her jaw.  Every muscle in her body ached, muscles she didn’t even realized she had!  She hoped the powders Doc had given her to ease the pain would start working soon.  He’d said it would also help her sleep, which was the best medicine in the world, according to Doc.  Kitty closed her eyes and quietly drifted off...


Marshal Matt Dillon balanced a tray of food in one hand and tapped quietly on Kitty Russell’s door with the other, not wanting to wake her if she’d managed to fall asleep again after taking Doc’s prescribed dose of medicine.  He’d left her long enough to check in with Chester at the office, then picked up some breakfast for her at Delmonico’s.  She really needed to get something in her stomach.  He didn’t know when she’d eaten last.

When Matt received no answer, he quickly slipped inside the room and closed the door soundlessly.  That’s when he saw her, lustrous red hair gleaming in the sun’s rays as she slept peacefully.  In the bathtub.  Oh lordy... 

“Kitty?”  No answer. 

Louder this time.  “Kitty, honey, it’s time to wake up...”  She didn’t stir.

He set the tray of food on the dresser, rubbed a hand worriedly over his face, then tried again, “Kitty, baby, you shouldn’t be sleeping in the tub.  It’s not safe…” 

At last she awakened, scrubbing a wet hand over her eyes to clear them.  “Mmm?”  Her voice was a tiny, silvery thread.    

“Kitty, I think Doc’s medicine has knocked you out.  You need to get out of that tub.”

She mumbled a few incoherent words and closed her eyes again.

“Whoa, don’t go back to sleep.  Wake up now.  You’ve got to get out.”

Kitty gave a huge sigh and slowly sat up, drawing her knees to her chest.  Matt gnawed on his thumbnail. 


“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.  You have to.”

“I can’t,” she murmured.  “I’m so dizzzzy…”

Oh lordy.  He was gonna kill Doc. 

Matt fetched Kitty’s towel and took a big breath.  As he drew her out of the tub, he tried not to look at all those wet curves, glistening in the sunlight.  Oh, he tried.  He tried not to notice the slickness of her soft skin, rosy from the heat of the bath, and the escaped tendrils of curling hair clinging damply around her face and slim neck. 

He enveloped her voluptuous dripping body in the towel as she clung to him unsteadily, willing his own body not to respond.   Kitty sighed heavily against his damp chest.  His body was a damn traitor. 

“Kitty, let’s get you to the bed.”  No response.   

Alrighty...  He slid an arm under her limp knees, effortlessly scooped her up, fluffy towel and all, and carried her to the bed.

Matt placed her head gently on the pillow, mindful of her bruises, and covered her protectively with the quilt.

“Kitty, you’ve got to let go of my neck.”


“Yes, you do.  You need to get some rest.”


“No, honey.  Let go.  Really, I can’t stay with you this time.  I’ve got to work… ”

She frowned sleepily at him. 

“…and I’ve got my own reasons…  But most of all, you need your rest.  I’ll be back to check on you soon.”

Matt gently unwound Kitty’s arms from his neck.

A small, faraway voice, “Matt?”

“Yes, honey?”

“My head doesn’t hurt anymore…”

“I can’t say I’m surprised.”  He stooped and kissed her softly on the forehead.  She was asleep before he made it back halfway across the room.

To be continued...

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